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StarLines INC

Starlines inc is a strategy game that puts you in command of a fleet of starships carrying passengers and cargo between different worlds. You have direct control over which cargo and passengers your ships take on board, including hazardous...

( 2 June 2005, 15:12)


This is a very descent game. The graphics are simple, but very good for what is needed. I also liked the amount of detail I had control over. There are some glitches though, where the game just boots you, but that could've been my computer acting up. Very good replayablilty, but it gets a little repetative after a while.
Ease of use : 2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars2.5 Stars
Functionality : 3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars
Value for money : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
Overall score : 3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars
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