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2JPEG is the command line tool for converting PDF documents and image files to the JPG format. The list of source file formats includes 275 items, and thanks to our customers' requests, we regularly update the list of file formats adding new file...

( 6 August 2002, 15:49)


The user friendlyness and the appearence are irrelevant, since it's a full featured command line program with full integration into C++ or Visual Basic. It fulfills all required tasks, the description of the combination of the command line switches could be better. However, the biggest draw-back is a format-error when resizing files in JPEG-Format: Adobe Photoshop can't open the files anymore due to a program error, MGI PhotoSuite detects a "JPEG data error with 6 extraneous bytes before marker 0xfe".rnI used the program only in the test version to automatically generate thumbnails for the internet: the funny thing is, that despite the errors with the graphic prgrams, Internet explorer is able to display the pictures correctly.rnIf the format problem is solved, then it's THE program to beat...
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