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Easy Batch Builder

The Easy Batch Builder is a useful application for Windows® that provides a simple and easy way of creating MS DOS batch files. Batch files (with the .bat extension) can be used for performing frequently used commands or operations. Whether you...

(26 February 2003, 06:39)


Easy Batch Builder is a program that is surprisingly easy to use, even for someone who, like me, had never previously had anything to do with the creation/modification of batch files. In fact the earlier, less sophisticated, version of EBB introduced me to the workings of batch files.rnrn I have, as yet, found no notable faults with the program which is well explained and incredibly easy to use. I have found Easy Batch Builder Help very useful as it is full of knowledge and information. It is immaculately put together as is the rest of the program. The only problem I have found is the link to the website which doesn't work within EBB Help. The graphical help system is well produced and possibly easier to use than the standard help.rnrn The features are very good, especially the syntax checker, which is very useful when checking the construction of the batch file. I also found the 'Shorten Path' command very useful since browsing for a file in easy mode does not put the path automatically into DOS format. For less experienced users, like me, the 'Insert Command' has proved useful.rnrn The program is well set out in the two modes -Easy and Advanced, I tend to use both simultaneously. Easy mode to create the command and advanced to change finer points. The six-subsections in the easy mode separate out the great array of options available and makes it easy to find the command that you need. The users' every need seems to have been catered for. The overall design of the program could not be described as stylish but is organised and neatly done.rnrn My opinion about the program may change as I use more, and more of the options but I doubt it as it seems so competently produced and I will finish by recommending it to anyone whether advanced or a total novice. Congratulations to Octopussy Software on producing such a fine product.rn
Ease of use : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Functionality : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Value for money : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Overall score : 4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars
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