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Themthe freeware


Added: May 14, 2013 | Visits: 353

Genetic Algorithms Application This code is an application of GA.It solves the following problem:Draw the largest possible circle in a space of stars without enclosing any of them.The final output is a plot of the stars and the largest possible circle is drawn Platforms: Matlab

License: Freeware Size: 10 KB Download (44): Genetic Algorithms Application Download

Added: July 19, 2013 | Visits: 481

Generate Paging Generate Paging can be used to display MySQL database query results split into multiple HTML pages. It can execute a MySQL query and display the results in an HTML page with table.If the total number of result set rows exceeds a given limit, the class display the results split among several pages... Platforms: PHP

License: Freeware Size: 10 KB Download (42): Generate Paging Download