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Download - Active Search Engine 3.1.4

Active Search Engine 3.1.4

Active Search Engine
Active Search Engine is a feature rich server application that allows you to create your own web directory in just minutes. It features an appealing interactive user interface and highly-developed administration tools for advanced web page management and approval, category creation, keyword based search, automatic confirmation of new links, user email list management, a banner advertising system, full integration with Google Adsense and much...

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Site Search Tools  -  HelpSmith 9.4
HelpSmith is a visual help authoring tool which allows you to create HTML Help files, Web Help , PDF, and Printed Manuals from a single source. The reliable environment integrates a powerful MS Word-like Unicode word-processor for working on help...
48.83 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  Fast Spell Checker
Fast Spell Checker is a tool used for searching sites for spelling errors. It begins checking from the starting page and goes through all pages one by one until it checks all pages on the site. If Fast Spell Checker finds a misspelled word, it...
26.68 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  WebTweakTools Bundle
WebTweakTools Bundle is a collection of web site management tools bundled in one program. It includes web site link checker, html checker, spell checker and site inspector. All these tools are built in to a single application so that you can run...
27.07 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  Fast Site Inspector
Fast Site Inspector is a tool used for crawling website and inspecting SEO elements. It begins checking from the starting page and goes through all pages one by one until it checks all pages on the site. In addition to collecting onsite SEO...
26.07 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  Offline Site Map Generator
Free Offline Site Map Generator for Windows creates sitemaps for your website. It scans the local folder with your web site copy to collect web site pages.It generates sitemaps of the Google Sitemap Protocol XML and/or the common Site Map HTML...
568.6 KB  
Site Search Tools  -  Ultra Screen Saver Maker 3.1
Create your own screen savers in 10 seconds - quickly and easily! Add images, sounds, movies, Flash animations, text, websites or images using keyword search to your own screensaver! Just collect media files, preview them and simply add...
11.28 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  Site Search Pro 2.0 :: Searching your web site 2.0
Site Search Pro 2.0 is comprehensive php search script. It’s intended to provide complete, customizable, effective and fully-functional site search for any type of web site. Perfect integration with small and large web sites. Customize search...
Site Search Tools  -  RSS Content Generator Professional 3.36.86
RSS Content Generator is a comprehensive website generator from free RSS feeds (news, press releases and articles) to boost up your search engine rankings or make money with Google AdSense or another advertising program. RSS Content Generator can...
7.68 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  Zoom Search Engine 4.0 1016
Zoom is a package for web developers to easily add a powerful custom search engine to their website in a matter of minutes. No complicated server-side setup procedures, just index and upload. Available for PHP, ASP, JavaScript and CGI platforms.
1.42 MB  
Site Search Tools  -  FreeWebLinkSubmitter 1.2.3
Free Web Link Submitter is a freeware program to POST submit your data, URL or other information. The program includes simple database that allows you to submit your web site to the Internet's biggest search engines and directories and request...
498.71 KB