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Math::NumberCruncher 5.00

  Date Added: September 02, 2010  |  Visits: 1.039


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Math::NumberCruncher Perl module contains a collection of useful math-related functions. SYNOPSIS It should be noted that as of v4.0, there is now an OO interface to Math::NumberCruncher. For backwards compatibility, however, the previous, functional style will always be supported. # OO Style use Math::NumberCruncher; $ref = Math::NumberCruncher->new(); # From this point on, all of the subroutines shown below will be available # through $ref (i.e., ( $high,$low ) = $ref->Range( @array )). For the sake # of brevity, consult the functional documentation (below) for the use # of specific functions. # Functional Style use Math::NumberCruncher; ($high, $low) = Math::NumberCruncher::Range(@array); $mean = Math::NumberCruncher::Mean(@array); $median = Math::NumberCruncher::Median(@array [, $decimal_places]); $odd_median = Math::NumberCruncher::OddMedian(@array); $mode = Math::NumberCruncher::Mode(@array); $covariance = Math::NumberCruncher::Covariance(@array1, @array2); $correlation = Math::NumberCruncher::Correlation(@array1, @array2); ($slope, $y_intercept) = Math::NumberCruncher::BestFit(@array1, @array2 [, $decimal_places]); $distance = Math::NumberCruncher::Distance($x1,$y1,$z1,$x2,$y2,$z2 [, $decimal_places]); $distance = Math::NumberCruncher::Distance($x1,$y1,$x1,$x2 [, $decimal_places]); $distance = Math::NumberCruncher::ManhattanDistance($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); $probAll = Math::NumberCruncher::AllOf(0.3,0.25,0.91,0.002); $probNone = Math::NumberCruncher::NoneOf(0.4,0.5772,0.212); $probSome = Math::NumberCruncher::SomeOf(0.11,0.56,0.3275); $factorial = Math::NumberCruncher::Factorial($some_number); $permutations = Math::NumberCruncher::Permutation($n); $permutations = Math::NumberCruncher::Permutation($n,$k); $roll = Math::NumberCruncher::Dice(3,12,4); $randInt = Math::NumberCruncher::RandInt(10,50); $randomElement = Math::NumberCruncher::RandomElement(@array); Math::NumberCruncher::ShuffleArray(@array); @unique = Math::NumberCruncher::Unique(@array); @a_only = Math::NumberCruncher::Compare(@a,@b); @union = Math::NumberCruncher::Union(@a,@b); @intersection = Math::NumberCruncher::Intersection(@a,@b); @difference = Math::NumberCruncher::Difference(@a,@b); $gaussianRand = Math::NumberCruncher::GaussianRand(); $ways = Math::NumberCruncher::Choose($n,$k); $binomial = Math::NumberCruncher::Binomial($attempts,$successes,$probability); $gaussianDist = Math::NumberCruncher::GaussianDist($x,$mean,$variance); $StdDev = Math::NumberCruncher::StandardDeviation(@array [, $decimal_places]); $variance = Math::NumberCruncher::Variance(@array [, $decimal_places]); @scores = Math::NumberCruncher::StandardScores(@array [, $decimal_places]); $confidence = Math::NumberCruncher::SignSignificance($trials,$hits,$probability); $e = Math::Numbercruncher::EMC2( "m512", "miles" [, $decimal_places] ); $m = Math::NumberCruncher::EMC2( "e987432" "km" [, $decimal_places] ); $force = Math::NumberCruncher::FMA( "m12", "a73.5" [, $decimal_places] ); $mass = Math::NumberCruncher::FMA( "a43", "f1324" [, $decimal_places] ); $acceleration = Math::NumberCruncher::FMA( "f53512", "m356" [, $decimal_places] ); $predicted_value = Math::NubmerCruncher::Predict( $slope, $y_intercept, $proposed_x [, $decimal_places] ); $area = Math::NumberCruncher::TriangleHeron( $a, $b, $c [, $decimal_places] ); $area = Math::NumberCruncher::TriangleHeron( 1,3, 5,7, 8,2 [, $decimal_places] ); $perimeter = Math::NumberCruncher::PolygonPerimeter( $x0,$y0, $x1,$y1, $x2,$y2, ... [, p$decimal_places]); $direction = Math::NumberCruncher::Clockwise( $x0,$y0, $x1,$y1, $x2,$y2 ); $collision = Math::NumberCruncher::InPolygon( $x, $y, @xy ); @points = Math::NumberCruncher::BoundingBox_Points( $d, @p ); $in_triangle = Math::NumberCruncher::InTriangle( $x,$y, $x0,$y0, $x1,$y1, $x2,$y2 ); $area = Math::NumberCruncher::PolygonArea( 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 2, 2, 3 [, p$decimal_places] ); $area = Math::NumberCruncher::CircleArea( $diameter [, $decimal_places] ); $circumference = Math::NumberCruncher::Circumference( $diameter [, $decimal_places] ); $volume = Math::NumberCruncher::SphereVolume( $radius [, $decimal_places] ); $surface_area = Math::NumberCruncher::SphereSurface( $radius [, $decimal_places] ); $years = Math::NumberCruncher::RuleOf72( $interest_rate [, $decimal_places] ); $volume = Math::NumberCruncher::CylinderVolume( $radius, $height [, $decimal_places] ); $volume = Math::NumberCruncher::ConeVolume( $lowerBaseArea, $height [, $decimal_places] ); $radians = Math::NumberCruncher::deg2rad( $degrees [, $decimal_places] ); $degrees = Math::NumberCruncher::rad2deg( $radians [, $decimal_places] ); $Fahrenheit = Math::NumberCruncher::C2F( $Celsius [, $decimal_places] ); $Celsius = Math::NumberCruncher::F2C( $Fahrenheit [, $decimal_places] ); $cm = Math::NumberCruncher::in2cm( $inches [, $decimal_places] ); $inches = Math::NumberCruncher::cm2in( $cm [, $decimal_places] ); $ft = Math::NumberCruncher::m2ft( $m [, $decimal_places] ); $m = Math::NumberCruncher::ft2m( $ft [, $decimal_places] ); $miles = Math::NumberCruncher::km2miles( $km [, $decimal_places] ); $km = Math::NumberCruncher::miles2km( $miles [, $decimal_places] ); $lb = Math::NumberCruncher::kg2lb( $kg [, $decimal_places] ); $kg = Math::NumberCruncher::lb2kg( $lb [, $decimal_places] ); $RelativeStride = Math::NumberCruncher::RelativeStride( $stride_length, $leg_length [, $decimal_places] ); $RelativeStride = Math::NumberCruncher::RelativeStride_2( $DimensionlessSpeed [, $decimal_places] ); $DimensionlessSpeed = Math::NumberCruncher::DimensionlessSpeed( $RelativeStride [, $decimal_places] ); $DimensionlessSpeed = Math::NumberCruncher::DimensionlessSpeed_2( $ActualSpeed, $leg_length [, $decimal_places]); $ActualSpeed = Math::NumberCruncher::ActualSpeed( $leg_length, $DimensionlessSpeed [, $decimal_places] ); $eccentricity = Math::NumberCruncher::Eccentricity( $half_major_axis, $half_minor_axis [, $decimal_places] ); $LatusRectum = Math::NumberCruncher::LatusRectum( $half_major_axis, $half_minor_axis [, $decimal_places] ); $EllipseArea = Math::NumberCruncher::EllipseArea( $half_major_axis, $half_minor_axis [, $decimal_places] ); $OrbitalVelocity = Math::NumberCruncher::OrbitalVelocity( $r, $a, $M [, $decimal_places] ); $sine = Math::NumberCruncher::sin( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $cosine = Math::NumberCruncher::cos( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $tangent = Math::NumberCruncher::tan( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arcsin = Math::NumberCruncher::asin( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arccos = Math::NumberCruncher::acos( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arctan = Math::NumberCruncher::atan( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $cotangent = Math::NumberCruncher::cot( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arccot = Math::NumberCruncher::acot( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $secant = Math::NumberCruncher::sec( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arcsec = Math::NumberCruncher::asec( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $cosecant = Math::NumberCruncher::csc( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $arccosecant = Math::NumberCruncher::acsc( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $exsecant = Math::NumberCruncher::exsec( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $versine = Math::NumberCruncher::vers( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $coversine = Math::NumberCruncher::covers( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $haversine = Math::NumberCruncher::hav( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $grouped = Math::NumberCruncher::Commas( $number ); $SqrRoot = Math::NumberCruncher::SqrRoot( $number [, $decimal_places] ); $square_root = Math::NumberCruncher::sqrt( $x [, $decimal_places] ); $root = Math::NumberCruncher::Root( 55, 3 [, $decimal_places] ); $root = Math::NumberCruncher::Root2( 55, 3 [, $decimal_places] ); $log = Math::NumberCruncher::Ln( 100 [, $decimal_places] ); $log = Math::NumberCruncher::log( $num [, $decimal_places] ); $num = Math::NumberCruncher::Exp( 0.111 [, $decimal_places] ); $num = Math::NumberCruncher::exp( $log [, $decimal_places] ); $Pi = Math::NumberCruncher::PICONST( $decimal_places ); $E = Math::NumberCruncher::ECONST( $decimal_places ); ( $A, $B, $C ) = Math::NumberCruncher::PythagTriples( $x, $y [, $decimal_places] ); $z = Math::NumberCruncher::PythagTriplesSeq( $x, $y [, $decimal_places] ); @nums = Math::NumberCruncher::SIS( [$start, $numbers, $increment] ); $inverse = Math::NumberCruncher::Inverse( $number [, $decimal_places] ); @constants = Math::NumberCruncher::CONSTANTS( all [, $decimal_places] ); $bernoulli = Math::NumberCruncher::Bernoulli( $num [, $decimal_places] ); @bernoulli = Math::NumberCruncher::Bernoulli( $num );.

Requirements: No special requirements
Platforms: Linux
Keyword: Actualspeed Array Axis Decimal Dimensionlessspeed Libraries Mathnumbercruncher Numbercruncher Numbercruncher Perl Perl Module Places Relativestride
Users rating: 0/10

License: Freeware Size: 81.92 KB
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