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FontNuke 1.15

  Date Added: January 25, 2010  |  Visits: 724


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FontNuke is a utility application for Mac OS X Tiger that removes corrupt or troublesome font cache files. I created this application as a tool for my personal use at the office, and has become very useful for me. To grant individual non-admin users the ability to remove font cache files, without my involvement--is HUGE! Not to mention intelligent application quitting, plus a GUARANTEED reboot, makes my life easier. FontNuke removes system font caches, Adobe font caches (*.lst), Microsoft Office font caches, and now also (as of version 1.0.6) QuarkXPress 6.x/7.x font cache files. Not to mention it's free.I have recently added an option which purges spotlight indexes on startup volume from /.Spotlight-V100. This has been added due to some intermittent unresponsiveness when searching network volumes for some of my MCX clients. Please use this feature with caution. See the FontNuke homepage for more details.

Requirements: No special requirements
Platforms: Mac
Users rating: 0/10

License: Freeware
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