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System Cleaner

Your PC is slowing down. Programs don't run as fast as they used to; it takes longer to boot up in the morning and sometimes it takes forever to shut down at the end of the day. Don't worry, you're not alone. These kinds of things happen to all...

(18 July 2002, 13:31)


Very simple to use, it is extremely straightforward and simple to use. It allows you to disable all of the stuff that starts up with your computer that you have virtually no control over. Winamp and Morpheus come to mind. And all those pesky "reminders" that make you register in 2 weeks can be eliminated too. It cleans up your registry by letting you see all of the invalid entries, and it also cleans junk files on your computer. This is a great addition to your computer. It even cleans your history "cache" and eliminate cookies.
Ease of use : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Functionality : 4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars
Value for money : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Overall score : 4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars
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