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TuneFab Apple Music Converter

As we all know, tracks from Apple Music are encrypted with DRM (Digital Rights Management), which limits you to only play Apple Music on specific devices such as iPhone, Android smartphone, and Windows PC. Therefore, even if you transfer the...

(30 July 2021, 12:01)


TuneFun Apple Music Converter works amazingly! After adding songs and clicking the "Convert" button, it starts to convert the songs. The converting process is so fast. I have successfully converted 500+ songs so far.
Ease of use : 3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars
Functionality : 3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars
Value for money : 3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars
Overall score : 3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars
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