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Perfect Hotkey

Perfect Hotkey lets you easily create and maintain a categorized list of your hotkeys. Each hotkey, a key combination on your keyboard, will launch a command. You decide which commands go with which hotkeys. Some of these commands are internal...

( 7 November 2015, 17:07)


It is really useful and handy. I have assigned a list of programs with unique hotkeys to it and now I press only hotkeys to launch those programs. It's much faster and easier especially when you have to launch some programs frequently.
Ease of use : 3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars
Functionality : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
Value for money : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
Overall score : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
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