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CYFORCE4D is a action packed 3D fps game which uses a latest tech 3D game engine and provides an immersive gameplay experience. CYFORCE4D is a thinking fps game where you need to plan your attack strategy or you wont last long if you just go in...

(24 October 2003, 03:01)


OMG, Seriously how does this game have such a high review? It looks like a Boston Terrier's brown eye but uglier. It has no gameplay; I mean really, you can't even strafe in this! This concoction has higher requirements than Unreal Tournament 2003, yet looks worse than Wolfenstein 3D (which came out in 1992!!). Someone needs to be shot. Seriously
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Overall score : 0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars0.5 Stars
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