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Folder Lock

Folder Lock is a file locking software that lets you encrypt files and create a real-time back-up of the encrypted files on the cloud. It lets you protect portable devices like USB drives, Flash disks, shreds unwanted files, creates digital...

(10 May 2016, 08:36)


I've submitted 3 bugs in total for folder lock in the last year and I got an email from them that they solved my request in particular, I was so happy and I couldn't believe that a software company would care about my needs. You guys rock.
Ease of use : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Functionality : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Value for money : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Overall score : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
( 5 November 2014, 03:03)


It is a blessing to have such a feature packed software that too easy to use. Its user friendly interface makes data security such an easy task for people like me. To me, it is the best data security software at the moment.
Ease of use : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Functionality : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Value for money : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
Overall score : 5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars
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