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Hopedot VOS

Hopedot VOS is a virtual operating system that enables you to create a virtual environment similar to Windows OS on your PC. On Hopedot VOS, you can do everything as you do on Windows, installing and running applications, browse and bookmark your...

(26 September 2011, 22:55)


It’s so amazing that I could install Autocab in it!!! Then I could use Autocab in any computer now. You know, professional programs like Autocab is not cheap and can only be installed in one computer. Now I just take my iPod where Hopedot VOS is installed and is able to use my Autocab in any computer. Extremely convenient! However, so far it does not support 64-bit version of Windows Operating System. Except for this drawback, it’s good!
Ease of use : 3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars3.5 Stars
Functionality : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
Value for money : 4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars
Overall score : 4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars4.5 Stars
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