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IntraSmart - Intranet in a Box Software

IntraSmart is a suite of software applications that allows organizations to set up an Intranet in a short period of time. The applications include: group calendar, company and departmental announcements, form generator, discussion board, company...

( 2 August 2004, 15:55)


Intrasmart has a fantastic help desk. And that's a good thing because you will get to know them very well. Not only that but I can tell you the answer you will get 9 out of 10 times - "The next release...". We went 2 years of next releases and was never able to deploy a working Intranet that fulfilled our expectations, which in my mind were pretty standard fair. During this same period of time we deployed a Dreamweaver + Contribute 2 based intranet that exceeded our expectations and no annual support! Bottom line is that Mindbridge has something here but our patience with them was exhausted. Look elsewhere and save yourself the frustration of circuitous build process and mind bending hoops to implement the simplest of features.
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Overall score : 1 Stars1 Stars1 Stars1 Stars1 Stars
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