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Traveling Sprinkler freeware
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Traveling Sprinkler

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Released: June 05, 2012  |  Added: June 05, 2012 | Visits: 491

Traveling Salesman traveling-salesman is a GPS -route-planning and -navigation -system based on libosm and the OpenStreetMap.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux

License: Freeware Size: 7.35 MB Download (51): Traveling Salesman Download

Added: August 16, 2013 | Visits: 527

Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Simulated Annealing simulatedannealing() is an optimization routine for traveling salesman problem. Any dataset from the TSPLIB can be suitably modified and can be used with this routine. A detailed description about the function is included in "Simulated_Annealing_Support_Document.pdf."A GUI is used with the core...

Platforms: Matlab

License: Freeware Size: 512 KB Download (49): Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Simulated Annealing Download

Fixed Start/End Point Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to individual cities and back to the original starting place).Each salesman starts at the first point, and...

Platforms: Matlab

Fixed Endpoints Open Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm The user has to supply the fixed ending points before the script can be ran. Requirements: - MATLAB 7.6 or higher

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Multiple Variable Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm It finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the M-TSP (that has a variable number of salesmen) by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for the salesmen to travel to each city exactly once and return to their starting locations). Each salesman travels to...

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Fixed Start Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique individual cities without returning to the starting location).Each salesman starts at the...

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Fixed Endpoints Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm The script finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique individual cities and finally to the end location).Each salesman starts at the...

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Fixed Start/End Point Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to individual cities and back to the original starting place).Each salesman starts at the first point, and...

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Added: May 10, 2013 | Visits: 396

Traveling Salesman Problem - Nearest Neighbor This method produces different results depending on what city is choosen as the starting point.This function determines the Nearest Neighbor routes for multiple starting points and returns the best of those routes. Requirements: - MATLAB 7.6 or higher

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Fixed Start Open Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm The algorithm computes the optimal route from a fixed predetermined starting point to all other cities without returning to the starting point. Requirements: - MATLAB 7.6 or higher

Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, Matlab, BSD Solaris

Added: August 05, 2013 | Visits: 365

tspsa Simulated Annealing Optimization m-file The program set can be used to solve TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEMSfrom the TSPLIB.

Platforms: Matlab

License: Freeware Size: 10 KB Download (48): tspsa Download

Added: August 13, 2013 | Visits: 406

Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script The user is presented with the near-optimal solution and performance chart in a dialog window.

Platforms: Matlab

License: Freeware Size: 10 KB Download (49): Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script Download

Fixed Endpoints Open Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script The user has to supply the fixed ending points before the script can be ran.

Platforms: Matlab

Multiple Variable Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script It finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the M-TSP (that has a variable number of salesmen) by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for the salesmen to travel to each city exactly once and return to their starting locations).Each salesman travels to...

Platforms: Matlab

Fixed Start Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script Finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique individual cities without returning to the starting location).Each salesman starts at the...

Platforms: Matlab

Fixed Endpoints Open Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script The script finds a (near) optimal solution to a variation of the "open" M-TSP by setting up a GA to search for the shortest route (least distance needed for each salesman to travel from the start location to unique individual cities and finally to the end location).Each salesman starts at the...

Platforms: Matlab

Fixed Start Open Traveling Salesman Problem - Genetic Algorithm Script The algorithm computes the optimal route from a fixed predetermined starting point to all other cities without returning to the starting point.

Platforms: Matlab

Added: August 15, 2013 | Visits: 588

Another TSP Solver Script The script can display how the route rearranges at each script iteration.The input for the program is an Nx2 cities array sorted in the initial traveling path.The output is the cities arranged in a more effective route, index vector of the order the cities should be visited & the total rout length.

Platforms: Matlab

License: Freeware Size: 10 KB Download (51): Another TSP Solver Script Download

Added: September 07, 2013 | Visits: 475

spacejunk for Linux Spacejunk is a computer game about traveling in 2D planetary systems. The player must collect drifting garbage by navigating through the gravitational fields of planets and stars. A rough editor for planetary systems is provided too.

Platforms: *nix

License: Freeware Size: 7.3 MB Download (37): spacejunk for Linux Download

Released: November 25, 2013  |  Added: January 29, 2014 | Visits: 9.841

Free SMTP Server Free SMTP Server is a SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer. It's very simple but very useful for laptop users traveling around the world and connecting their PCs to different Internet Service Providers in different countries. You can use it...

Platforms: Windows, Windows 7

License: Freeware Size: 619.02 KB Download (711): Free SMTP Server Download

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